The Daisy Series, introduced in 2019, is renowned for its vibrant and rich tone, which remains consistent across its entire range. This delightful tone is enhanced by the use of Biocarbon strings, designed with both children and adults in mind, the Daisy Series features perfect proportions and a round back, providing comfort during extended playing sessions. As a 34-string lever harp, it offers versatility, allowing you to bring its beautiful sound to a wide range of venues. Whether in concert halls or homes, the Daisy Series fills the space with its blossoming timbres
The harp can be equipped with four removable legs, allowing for more comfortable playing position
Padded travel bag ensures protection and convenience for transporting harp and Dust cover shields harp from dust
Variety of decals are available, allowing harpists to personalize harp to match their aesthetic preferences
1st Octave A to 6th Octave C
68.9 cm
125.7 cm
11.3 kg
Natural, White, Mahogany, Walnut, Black, Green, Red and Blue
1 – 22 Nylon
23 – 28 BioCarbon (Sipario)
29 – 34 Steel wire
Mikel Harps serves the global harp community, offering high-quality Lever Harps at remarkably affordable prices